For more than 50 years it has been more than our purpose – it has been our privilege — to help San Diego’s homeless and poor populations create better lives for themselves and, in turn, build a better community for us all
Our comprehensive programs meet basic needs, then go further. They help our clients address the challenges behind their homelessness for positive, lasting change.
They provide an opportunity for those in need to take control of their lives, find a new level of stability, and return to their communities as fulfilled, contributing members of society..
The HUD Exchange is an online platform for providing program information, guidance, services, and tools to HUD’s community Geaux Maids new orleans partners, including state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, Continuums of Care (CoCs), Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), tribes, and partners of these organizations.
We carry out this mission through our volunteers nationwide who go to the streets in order to find, stabilize and otherwise assist homeless and street youth to improve their lives by providing them with necessary resources and connecting them with lifesaving services. We do this every day in cities across America.